Tuesday 23 January 2018

Fail of the week: Shocking Avocado story ...

Well, welcome. Thanks for following my somewhat hyperbolic click-bate kind of title - and yes, there is some irony in there (just a bit) but on a more serious note, there is a valid and important point in my failure this week.

This week were away the weekend travelling to see Jonathan's nan right at the top of the country. She was celebrating her 100th birthday - which is certainly reason to celebrate.
Last week, avocados came home in a
brown paper bag, which was then folded
ready for the next green grocer tip. 

As a result, I pre-booked a shopping delivery from Waitrose (Who, interestingly by using their ultra-user-friendly website and combining their genuinely good offers, I find to come out cheaper by the time I get to the end of the receipt - kudos to Waitrose.)

This meant that we did not do our usual green grocer's shop and the impact is immediately evident, and to be honest, it's made me feel quite shameful.

I appreciate that avocados are delicate little creatures, who bruise easily and who people are quite precious about (I count myself in that bracket). I appreciate Waitrose have a duty to their client base to ensure that people's avocados get to a home in good condition and only have us in mind


Last week, I got four avocados from our green grocers, shoved in a brown bag, transported on a bus with handfuls of other overloaded bags, knocked by two kids, and they still managed to get home in one piece - okay, one had a little bruise but really? I just cut it out.
This week, avocados came in home delivery
in 2 sets of plastic houses and cellophane


Why not pack avocados in paper based boxes, like eggs?

THIS IS THE VERY REAL result of straying off the path and falling back onto easy one click shopping where you do it without thought.

I can't promise I won't fall into this trap again - I'm human and family life is busy and often distracting, but my heart sank a little with self-disappointment today.

I guess there is another option in that I keep the avocado plastic boxes and put them in the 'shopping bag'  basket we have in our kitchen and then I can use them to transport my non packaged avocados from the green grocers in the future. At least then, it won't feel so disposable.


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