Thursday 11 January 2018


This week's menu plans are a little all over the place but we're still on track if not a little re-ordered and adapted. Tonight was meant to be Vegetable Green Thai Curry but Jonathan is at the dentist having work done so asked if we could have something a little softer and easier to eat.

Being as I hadn't made the Borlotti Bean soup for lunches (as I've been under a crazy writing deadline and haven't stopped for lunch) I decided to make it tonight for our supper.

The girls had leftovers, being that we unexpectedly had them. One had the courgette penne and the other had the Italian Cottage pie from yesterday - which is where your stock of tupperwear comes in really handy.

COST: £ (approx £3.50)
TIME: 20 Mins.

Olive Oil
1 medium onion
Half a courgette grated
2 x garlic cloves
1 x Tinned tomatoes
1 x tin of Borlotti Beans
1 x tin of Kidney Beans
1 small red chilli
2 x vegetable stock cubes
Blanched finely cut Kale or dark green cabbage.
tbsp Paprika
tsp Cayenne Pepper
Salt & Pepper to Season
OPTIONAL: Parmesan cheese to garnish


  • Sweat the onions and garlic off, add the courgette. 
  • Add the tinned tomatoes and fill the tin 3 x with hot water, stirring in the stock cubes. 
  • Add the Borlotti Beans, the Kidney beans and 1/4 -1/2 of a red chilli thinly sliced. 
  • Cook for around 15-20 minutes until all softened down and thickened a little. 
  • Using a hand blender, pulse the mixture down so that it breaks the beans down a little but keeps some of the texture (you don't want it smooth) 
  • Add Paprika and Cayenne and cook for a further 5 minutes (tasting and adding more heat to suit your palate.) 
  • Add 3 handfuls of blanched green Kale / collards / spring cabbage.
  • Serve with a generous handful of grated parmesan (unless Vegan) 
This is a soup that is even better if it's left to sit for a few hours / overnight to really secure the flavours. 

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