Thursday 13 December 2012

Finds of The Week

Proof that taste doesn't always mean splashing out lots of cash. This week my Find of The Week isn't directly culinary but it's close enough in theme to share with you.
Near to my Mum is a hyper-store called What! It's a large industrial hanger type retail outlet that specialises in cheap emporium items and household wears. Think of a slightly posher version of PoundLand. Pretty much anything you need or didn't know you needed is sold here; from wallpaper to foil food containers, from party table wear to bird feeders - well you get the impression.
This week I went with the strict self-instruction of going in to get one item - a pair of angel wings. (Which have been surprisingly hard to source this year, clearly there is a national shortage of angels) I managed to get a fantastic pair of wings and was doing so well on the whole one-item-disciplin thing when I spotted their festive candle aisle. There was no hope, it was like being a child in a sweet-shop.
I managed to pick up these gorgeous bark wrapped candles for just 99p and £1.49. They were exactly what I had been coveting in the trendy home design stores but balking at paying £7.99+ (The above is for 2 and including your postage and packaging comes out at £14.50 - a whopping 1400% higher price difference!)

Remind me next time to buy a whole truck load and set myself up on Etsy lol!

As well as these, I managed to get a great pair of over-sized lime washed candle sticks for £4.99 each and I've topped them with their 'wedding range' candles which are cream with grey hearts and nordic style patterning. Similar candlesticks retail at around £15.99 a piece.

So now the house is almost decked and full of candlelight, it really feels like the Christmas holidays can begin.

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